It’s not hard to find info out there about the benefits of traveling solo. Finding info about the challenges of traveling solo and the reality of it might be a bit harder though. You know the ones I’m talking about. Those moments that aren’t shared on Instagram and that get a little glossed over or romanticized in storytelling. The $h!t no one tells you about traveling on your own.
Well, I’m going to dive into the nitty gritty of it here. If you’re not ready for the truth bomb then go read this post about the reasons I love to travel solo!

You’ll End Up With a Ton of Shitty Pics
It’s super awkward to set up a tripod and take photos of yourself in a crowded place. That’s why many first-time solo travelers end up with a ton of selfies, pictures of landscapes, or a ton of shitty pictures that someone else took for them. It takes a lot of practice and just not giving any F’s to get over the fear of taking pics solo. But if you’re a content creator, blogger, or photographer you will quickly learn to push past this discomfort.
There’s a 100% Chance You’re Going to Get Lost
You’re going to get lost period. You’ll get on the wrong bus, miss the train, or wind up at the wrong First Street -because it was really First Avenue. When you’re responsible for navigating yourself around the world while also trying to not look like a tourist, so you don’t get robbed, you’re likely going to get lost a time or two.
Pro Tip: Download GoogleMaps Offline (just like with Google Translate), start your navigation, and put your AirPods or headphones in. This is a great trick to navigate without looking like a tourist checking your map every 5 minutes.
You’ll Definitely Cry
Traveling solo, especially in a foreign country and for your first time, can be super overwhelming. Things will inevitably go wrong (especially if you don’t read this post and prepare to travel solo), you’ll get on the wrong bus, be lost in translation while someone yells at you about a banana (true story), or you’ll get lost. It builds up and eventually spills out of your tear ducts when there’s no one there to simply vent to.
If you’re traveling solo for an extended period of time, you might also feel homesick. Missing people, the comforts and ease of home, and maybe even a little FOMO is quite common. Even when you’re out there doing really amazing and fun things, it can feel isolating at times. Emotions are tricky and they can really mess with your head.
Don’t be afraid to reach out to your supportive friends and family at home for a pep talk. It doesn’t make you any less adventurous or less brave for not loving every moment of your solo trip.
It’s More Expensive
It’s just a fact, traveling solo is more expensive. There’s no one to split the expenses of accommodations, food, and transportation. If you want savory AND sweet, you’ll have to order both because there will be no one to split the meal with. Sharing accommodation expenses, that’s out of the question. Of course, there are always budget-friendly options like hostels for solo travelers.
There are even times when group tours are more expensive if you’re solo. Oftentimes they require a minimum amount of people. That’s often why I book with GetYourGuide because they cater to solo travelers.
Loneliness on Another Level
You’ll never feel lonelier than when you are traveling solo. Surrounded by a million people in a city but not knowing a single person can be extremely isolating. Of course, you’re going to meet so many incredible people on your adventures. (Not sure how to make friends while traveling solo? Read this post with all my tips for meeting people while traveling solo.) However, it can be hard when the people you meet aren’t heading in the same direction as you or traveling at the same pace. It can be a burst of intense connections with new friends only to be left missing them days or weeks later. But being alone is also one of the benefits of traveling solo because it allows you the space to get really comfortable with yourself. It’s not for everyone though.
Share a Special Bond with People You Meet
The connections you make and the friendships you build are going to be really intense. It might feel like you’ve known this person for years when you just met them a few days ago. You’ll have experiences with them, and be more open, and vulnerable with them than you’ve been with childhood friends. Thanks to technology and social media, you can stay connected with these people! It’s always fun to meet up with people around the world.
Wish You Could Share Your Experiences
When you’re traveling alone, you’ll come across places and things that you want to share with your loved ones. There’s something truly special about getting together with a friend and reminiscing on a moment you shared together traveling.
“Remember the alien gas station with $8 gas in the middle of Utah?”.
“Flashback to when the taxi pulled up to that sketchy ass street and we both screamed this isn’t it! But then it ended up being the cutest place inside. OMG remember those desserts were so good. We tried one in every flavor!”
These stories are hilarious and take me right back to that moment. But they aren’t funny to you and make zero sense because you weren’t there. Shared experiences like this are what bond you with new friends or old friends while traveling.
But it can be hard when there’s no one there in the moment to share this with. You’ll still have experiences like this solo. It’s important to still remember them. That’s why journaling these silly crazy moments and re-reading them later can be really fun!
Being Sick in a Foreign Country
Getting sick in general is never fun. Being sick in a foreign country is rough. But being sick in a foreign country alone is one of the worst things ever.
Trying to translate to a doctor. Using the photo feature on GoogleTranslate to find exactly which medicine to get. Not having the comfort of your own bed (or toilet if ya know what I mean…).
All of these situations are not ideal. It can make you feel super alone and that self-pity feeling we all get when we’re sick is really heightened. It makes you feel like packing up everything and saying SEE YA! ✌️ I’ve been sick in at least 6 different countries and this was one of the absolute worst of my entire life.
It’s going to happen but just think of it as a right of passage.
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Traveling With Others Will Be Difficult
After traveling for so long by yourself, you step into habits and routines. You’re comfortable with navigating unknown areas and public transportation, you’ve mastered communicating with sign language and GoogleTranslate, and your problem-solving skills are excellent. It can be frustrating and really difficult to plan trips and travel with others who aren’t as well-traveled.
Have patience with travel partners. They might have a fear of flying and teasing them won’t help. Try to comfort them or just be silent. When you are traveling with people and can sense they are confused – this could be anything from TSA to ordering food in a foreign language – try to help them. This can look like you preparing them in advance “Hey, don’t forget you’ll need to take your camera out of your backpack” or “Would you like me to order for you or help you look up a word on GoogleTranslate?”.
If you’re looking for more tips on how to plan a trip with friends, family, or partners then read these 5 tips here!
You’re Going to Change A LOT
You’ll have invaluable, life-changing experiences. Meeting people from around the world, exploring different cultures, trying new food, and learning a new language. You’ll probably feel like a different person. That’s ok.
This will be so exciting for you but also scary to the people around you. Some of your relationships will feel like nothing changed. Others might take work as they figure out who this new you is and how it fits into their life. Of course, there will also be relationships and bonds that don’t survive. This will be hard.
Travel changes you. I don’t know a single person who is worse off from traveling.
Want more resources for traveling solo? Click here 👇